I have found the problem occurs when any (or perhaps ALL) of the following issues are present: 1. In my case, as with many other cases, the RESETSLDL tool was simply not enough. If you go the Program and Features page within Control panel you will likely see multiple entries for Visual C++ versions - never delete any of these as they will be used by other apps.I myself had the same problem on my Windows XP Pro system but was able to finally resolve it on my own. For an app to run it must have the appropriate version installed that it was coded for. It is also worth noting that there are a number of version of C++ available and all are separate entities that happy co-exist on a system. This includes using a registry cleaning tool such as Ccleaner to remove any associated registry keys relating to the failed install. Once you have installed them reboot and try installing FSX again BUT only after you have removed all elements of the failed install as this may cause other installation related problems. When you run the installer if it finds a reference to C++ 2005 in the registry it will offer a repair option as well as a full install - go with the repair option as it is a lot quicker and will replace any missing and/or corrupt files. Run the installer by right clicking on it and selecting Run As Administrator from the menu.

Go to the following links and download the latest versions - note, as you have a 64 bit install you will need both 32 and 64 bit versions installed Although the info you have provided is sketchy, it is seems like that you either don't have MS Visual C++ 2005 installed or the current install of C++ 2005 is damaged - the first seems to be common with a pre-installed W10 system and the second seems common when an upgrade from W7/8 is performed.